Developmental Embodiment Research

Developmental Embodiment Research studies biologically embedded experiences underlying the development, maintenance, and regulation of loss of psychological functions throughout the lifespan. With our developmental perspective we aim at connecting different timescales of embodiment based on function-specific developmental pathways, and different system levels involved in embodiment processes based on their physiological and functional interconnectedness. In particular, we focus on the impact of stress on sensory development and on functional impairment. We aim at identifying translation hubs between different levels of embodiment, e.g., the behavioral and symptom level, the physiological level, the neural activity level, the epigenetic level, and the genetic activity level. We also work on models for the necessary cross-level data integration.

Associated Projects

Pilot study: The impact of everyday stress on functional impairment in people with physical handicaps or chronic illness (Ecological Momentary Assessment study, method implementation stage)

In this pilot study, we test the use of ecological momentary assessment via a smartphone app for the measurement of daily stress, symptom severity, and functional impairment in people with physical handicaps and/or chronic illness.


Integrating concepts and methods in Developmental Embodiment Research

In a lively exchange with colleagues working on different aspects of development and embodiment, we aim at developing methodological guidelines and tools for research integrating different levels of embodiment from a developmental perspective. Find more information here.

Collaborator Prof. Dr. Melanie Krüger (Leibniz Universität Hannover)


Contact Dr. Vanessa Lux


Associated Publications

Lux, V., Non, A.L., Pexman, P.M., Stadler, W., Weber, L.A., Krüger, M. (2021). A Developmental Framework for Embodiment Research: The Next Step Towards Integrating Concepts and Methods. Front. Syst. Neurosci. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2021.672740

Lux, V. (2017). The need to bridge concepts of development in the life sciences. In D.M. Carré, J. Valsiner, S. Hampl (Eds.). Representing Development (pp. 49-68) London: Routledge.

Lux, V. (2017). Reconsidering equipotentiality: agency and the directions of development. In D.M. Carré, J. Valsiner, S. Hampl (Eds.). Representing Development (pp. 147-153) London: Routledge.

Deliga, J., & Lux, V. (2022). Biomarker in der Genetic Psychology. Definition, Kriterien und Beispiele. Ruhr - Universität Bochum, Bochum.